Part-Time Jobs That Pay Well


May 08, 2023 By Susan Kelly

Working part time may provide you with more flexibility in your schedule and the opportunity to pursue other professional or personal interests. There are temporary positions available for some of these jobs. While others are part-time, full-time opportunities may also be available.

Because every job on this list was selected from the U.S. News 100 Best Jobs ranking, it follows that all of the jobs on this list are excellent in a variety of other respects as well, including the potential for job growth, the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance and low unemployment rates. The information comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States. Below are some part time jobs to pay the bills.

Nurse Practitioner

Nurse practitioners who work in hospitals and other medical care institutions may have the opportunity to work part-time or in shifts, as well as evenings, weekends, and holidays. However, they may also be required to be on call. Nurse practitioners offer medical treatment, which may include the administration of diagnostic tests, the observation of patients, and the diagnosis of certain conditions. They also confer with physicians about the management of patients.

On the list of the best jobs, the nurse practitioner position comes in at number two because of the high median salary, the projected 10-year job growth, and the low unemployment rate of 0.4%.

Physical Therapist

It's possible to find some physical therapists that just work part-time. Physical therapists assist patients in their recovery from injuries by using various exercises, equipment, and other methods. The employment outlook for physical therapists for the next ten years is bright: a 17% increase is projected, much higher than the average growth for all jobs.

Registered Nurse

If you are a registered nurse who works in a hospital or nursing care facility, you could have the opportunity to work a shift during the night, on the weekend, or a holiday. Patients are monitored by registered nurses, who also assist in the coordination of their treatment. At 1.6%, the unemployment rate for registered nurses is significantly lower than average.

Nurse Anesthetist

It's very uncommon for nurse anesthetists to work in shifts, especially in bigger medical institutions like hospitals. They attend to patients' needs during operations and other medical procedures by administering anesthetics and providing care. They concentrate on pain management and collaborate with patients before procedures to ascertain whether or not the patient has any diseases or sensitivities to medications, which is necessary for the safe administration of anesthesia.

Speech-Language Pathologist

Both full-time and part-time employment opportunities are available to speech-language pathologists. In addition, speech-language pathologists working in schools may enjoy extended breaks throughout the summer and the winter. Speech-language pathologists are medical professionals who treat patients who have difficulties speaking, swallowing, or both.

Dental Hygienist

Most dental hygienists work part-time, and since they may only be recruited to work a few days per week, they can work for more than one dentist if they so desire. Hygienists clean patients' teeth, take X-rays and provide other preventative oral health care services. This position has a low unemployment rate of 1.7% and an excellent work-life balance rating on the Best Jobs website.

Physical Therapist Assistant

It is usual for physical therapist assistants to work just part-time hours. They collaborate closely with physical therapists to assist patients in recovering from injuries or diseases that impede mobility by guiding them through exercises and having them utilize the equipment. They could also be responsible for certain extra administrative tasks.


Chiropractors may have the opportunity to work part-time, on weekends and nights, and even sometimes throughout the week. Self-employed chiropractors have the freedom to choose their schedules. Pain in the neck, back, and other parts of the body may be alleviated by chiropractic adjustments. In addition, they examine the patient's posture and suggest how the injuries should be treated.

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

Diagnostic medical sonographers often work on a part-time basis. However, full-time employment is also an option for those in this field. Evening, night, and weekend shifts are possible options for anyone seeking employment in a medical institution that is open around the clock. They use technologies that produce pictures, such as sonograms and ultrasounds, and they coordinate with physicians and surgeons who evaluate the findings.

Personal Care Aide

Personal care assistants give help in non-medical areas to those who are disabled or who have a chronic condition. They give the company as well as assistance with daily life activities. This is an adaptable profession that can either be done on a part-time or full-time basis, and it also has a high projected employment growth rating, according to Best Jobs.


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